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Monday, 14 May 2012

Solutions to I.S.I. 2012 Subjective (B.Stat, B.Math)

Q7. Consider two circles with radii a, and b and centers at (b, 0), (a, 0) respectively with b<a. Let the crescent shaped region M has a third circle which at any position is tangential to both the inner circle and the outer circle. Find the locus of center c of the third circle as it traverses through the region M (remaining tangential to both the circle.


Join AC and BC. AC passes through, \(T_1\) the point of tangency of the smaller circle with the circle with center at (a, 0) and BC when extended touches \(T_2\) which is the other point of the tangency.

Assume the radius of the moving (and growing circle) to be r at a particular instance. Then AC = a+r and BC = b-r.

Then AC+BC = a+b which is a constant for any position of C. Hence C is a point whose some of distances from two fixed points at any instant is a constant. This is the locus definition of an ellipse with foci at (a, 0) and (b, 0).

Q8. Let S = {1, 2, ... , n}. Let \(f_1 , f_2 , ... \)  be functions from S to S (one-one and onto). For any function f, call D, subset of S, to be invariant if for all x in D, f(x)  is also in D. Note that for any function the null set and the entire set are 'invariant' sets. Let deg(f) be the number of invariant subsets for a function.
 a) Prove that there exists a function with deg(f)=2.
 b) For a particular value of k prove that there exist a function with deg(f) = \(2^k\)



Consider the function defined piecewise as f(x) = x - 1 is \(x \ne 1\) and f(x) = n if x = 1

Of course null set and the entire sets are invariant subsets. We prove that there are no other invariant subsets.

Suppose D =  {\(a_1 , a_2 , ... , a_k \)} be an invariant subset with at least one element.

Since we are working with natural numbers only, it is possible to arrange the elements in ascending order (there is a least element by well ordering principle).

Suppose after rearrangement D = {\(b_1 , b_2 , ... , b_k \)} where \(b_1\) is the least element of the set

If \(b_1 \ne 1\) then \(f(b_1) = b_1 -1\) is not inside D as \(b_1\) is the smallest element in D. Hence D is no more an invariant subset which is contrary to our initial assumption.

This \(b_1\) must equal to 1.

As D is invariant subset \(f(b_1) = n \) must belong to D. Again f(n) = n-1 is also in D and so on. Thus all the elements from 1 to n are in D making D=S.

Hence we have proved that degree of this function is 2.


For a natural number 'k' to find a function with deg(f) = \(2^k\) define the function piecewise as

f(x) = x for \(1\le x \le k-1\)
      = n for x=k
      = x-1 for the rest of elements in 'n'

To construct an invariant subset the 'k-1' elements which are identically mapped, and the entirety of the 'k to n' elements considered as a unit must be considered. Thus there are total k-1 + 1 elements with which subsets are to be constructed. There are \(2^k\) subsets possible.


  1. Please upload the solutions of other questions as soon as possible

  2. Check for other solutions and discussions. We will post it in the blog very soon.

  3. Solution of 3: Let i denote the row number and j denote the column number
    Then by inspection,
    elements in first row are given by formula
    in general any element of array is given by formula
    If a_{ij}=20096
    If we put j=196, we get i=5.
    Therefore 20096 lies in 5th row and 196 column of array.
    Remark: Solving problem by guessing is difficult. I myself could only figure formula in exam.
    Sumit Kumar Jha
